If you can, go check out the trending hashtag on Twitter, #
SolidarityisForWhiteWomen right now. So many important things being shared and white feminism (myself included) needs to LISTEN UP.
This Tweet in particular reminded me of something I saw on Tumblr the other day:
[Tweet from Ayesha A. Siddiqi, "#SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen when mass school closings don't upset you as much as Beyonce calling it the Mrs. Carter Show."] |
I saw
this post questioning Nicki Minaj's feminist cred and I nearly screamed from how incredibly common it is for feminism to question and diminish
black women celebrities, while blatantly racist white women are welcomed in the movement with open arms (I'm looking at you, Caitlin Moran and Lena Dunham.)
Solidarity is for white women, indeed. And it's not ok.
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Thank you for sharing this, I'm not on twitter so I didn't know about this hashtag before, but now I can't stop reading!